Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Thank You

Lately I have been thinking about all the kindness that has been shown to us these last 6,7,8 months since we started this journey.

We are so grateful for all of the calls, texts, letters and cards, emails, blog comments, and voicemails. For the food, thoughtful gifts, flowers, visits to the hospital, lunches, hugs, and the occasional distracting conversation. Thank you to our family, immediate and distant, our friends, far and near, co-workers, neighbors, all of Eliza, Charlotte, and Oliver's caregivers that lent an open ear and kind word, and the strangers that reached out even so.

I hope and wish that all of you who have reached out to us during this time know that your kindness and thoughtfulness have helped carry us through some of the toughest moments of our lives and touched our hearts forever.

1 comment:

  1. :)

    Thank you for letting us be a part of your journey!

    Still sending hugs and love,
