Sunday, April 19, 2009

Floor plans and furniture layouts

One of the most important questions when buying a new house is "Where the heck will we put all of our stuff?" Fortunately, the current owners were kind enough to provide a floor plan of the house, so I took the practical approach to this question. By which, I mean that on Friday, I scanned the floor plan into the computer, resized it in Photoshop to a scale of 1" = 2 feet, then printed it all out on half a dozen sheets of paper and glued them to a piece of foam core. (That's practical, right?) Then, armed with a tape measure, I made to-scale cutouts of our various pieces of furniture, allowing us to easily visualize what will fit where:

Not surprisingly, it was quickly clear that some of our stuff won't fit where we were expecting to fit it, so there was much shuffling of little pieces of blue paper on Friday night. (Yes, we're wild party animals!) We still haven't figured out quite where we're going to put a few things (the entertainment center and a few of our bookshelves in particular), so we'll have this thing sitting around our living room for a while longer at least. 

Being the geek that I am, of course, I've been thinking about future uses for my handiwork: