Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Apparently keeping this blog up-to-date has somehow fallen off of my to-do list. Along with grocery shopping. I don't think I have been in 3-4 weeks. Luckily, I had (HAD!) a decent stock of food and we get a weekly delivery from the farm so no real lack of food here.

I've been struggling with what's happening with this blog and that's been demotivating for doing any updating. Lately it's evolved into an irregular, sanitized, and general update to family, friends and whoever else wants to read. Ideally I would like to see it be more of an accurate, day-to-day view at Eliza's childhood. The ups and the downs and all the nitty gritty in between. I think we've tended lately to highlight just the positives and especially the "normal" child milestones. Probably cause it's easier, and we don't want to feel like we are complaining about any of the downs or the struggles that we go through....cause people definitely have it much worse.  But this is our story and I think we owe it to ourselves and to Eliza to document it completely and honestly.

Perhaps others are also interested in a closer view of one baby's (and her parents') journey through overcoming her much too early beginnings, and perhaps not. But even if not, this is Eliza's only baby book, so we need to at least keep it current for her! Poor kid, she doesn't get anything normal.

So we will see if we can manage to make changes around here... since living the nitty-gritty seems to take time away from writing about it. :)

And to make up for all that  philosophizing here are cute pictures of babies (from way back at Easter, woops!)



  1. Love the idea, LOVE the pics! Love you all!

    I don't think it's complaining at all. And I don't blame you for not having the time or motivation to keep up (or grocery shop, ha! I feel your pain!). It's totally understandable that you have your ups and downs; everyone does. And you've put yourselves out there so much more than most, so courageous and for such a wonderful cause in your little girl. :)

    Heck, you can always save the down days' posts as drafts, and let Eliza look back on them privately. Cheating? hehehe Nah!

    I think sharing the down days, most importantly, will help Eliza see truly the depths of your love for her and how much you consistently try to do right by her, no matter what tries to get in your way.

    Thank you- again!- for letting me be a part of your journey. <3

  2. There are many people who care very much about you guys and Eliza's progress AND struggles. I will always want to hear both sides of the coin. :) Also? Super cute floral dress on her!

  3. I just wanted to say that our blog is our only baby book too - and I'm not up to date I think that IS normal! And I agree with the others: we want to want to hear the ups and the downs and if there is anything we can do to help. Great pictures and happy mothers day!

  4. Please do share all sides of the story! As you guys know, Greg is terrible about calling or emailing! So I make sure we check the blog regularly. We care about you guys and Eliza and want to know how she is doing, the good and the bad and also how you guys are doing! So, please keep the updates coming and know that we think of you guys and our little niece often! Shelley

  5. As a new mom, it is good to hear the good and bad from other moms so that I don't think I'm the only one struggling on those hard days. Love you all lots! Very cute pics! I love the one with Eliza and Red. Can't believe how much bigger Benjamin is already! Love, love! Auntie Hannah

  6. It's not complaining at all!! Write about all sides of daily life! Those of us who care about you all and think of you often want to know how you're doing day to day. Sometimes life is easy and good and other times, not so much. Easier said than done though because blogging (as my kids only baby book too!) has become increasingly more difficult. Ugh. One thing I found super helpful though is installing an app on my phone that allows me to jot down random thoughts in a blog post when I'm waiting somewhere or just too tired to turn on my computer. Might be helpful??

    Miss you guys and can't wait for your next visit to Atlanta when we can get together.

  7. Eliza has such beautiful eyes Heather. I was just looking at some of your pictures and catching up on her progress. I don't know if everyone does this but when traumatic things happen in my life I tend to just go into survival mode and I do pretty well at handling it at the time. But then I realize later on that I blocked out alot of it and I lost memories that I would really should have kept. Writing things down accurately can be good for everyone including mommy and daddy. You don't want to forget any minute of such a beautiful little life.
