Wednesday, September 14, 2011

1 Year Check-up

Weight: 15 lbs 7.5 ounces
Height: 26.25 inches
Head Circumference: 16.75 inches

The appointment went pretty well and overall Eliza's pediatrician was happy with her development. Her weight gain has been good over the last 4 weeks, averaging 15 grams a day. We were all a little surprised considering she's doing quite a bit of vomiting still. Fortunately with the addition of more medication (Zantac) over the last couple weeks the pain with her reflux has definitely decreased. She's back to being a lot more cheerful during the day. So right now she is on Reglan, Prilosec, and Zantac for her reflux. Our pediatrician is also in discussion with Eliza's doctors at SICC to update her feeding plan. Fortunately we should be getting a new portable feeding pump to replace the one we have now. This should definitely help with her feedings during the day and free up our hands to entertain her while she's hooked up to the pump!

Development-wise she has made progress and steps forward. Her core strength is getting better and her "preemie-arching" is starting to decrease. This means shes a little better at sitting in our laps without being too unstable. Still a ways to go for independent sitting but we have physical therapy 2x a week now to help with making progress.

Fine motor skill wise Eliza has mastered grabbing her paci, specifically her wubba nub, and getting it into her mouth! It's really great that she has figured this out since she's not able to keep it in her mouth just by sucking. Paci-use is good for Eliza to keep exercising her mouth muscles and forming positive associations with putting something in her mouth.

Relatedly, we are also SLOWLY making progress on spoon feeding. She's opening her mouth for the spoon now, and her lips are closing more around the spoon... we just have to work on the food going down her throat instead of back out of her mouth :)

We've got a running joke that "Eliza must be teething" - her feeding therapist has been making that suggestion every week for the last four months to explain anything from drooling to fussiness to lack of interest in eating, and yet still no teeth! But now we're starting to think she might actually be doing so - the drool is definitely increased, and I gave her one of the chilled teething rings to suck on today and she really liked it... so who knows, maybe it's actually happening this time.

Other medical news: The kidney ultrasound Eliza had today looked completely normal. No more hydronephrosis of the kidneys! And no more follow up ultrasounds! Though I think Eliza will be a little disappointed. She seemed to really enjoy the process today. Dim lights, comfy bed, cartoons playing, and warm jelly on her belly. They know how to make a baby happy. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Woo hoo Eliza!! You are an amazing little girl no doubt!
